The smart home
"Home automation for everyone". The simple safe and non-invasive system. It does not require any masonry work.

Years of experience
The house that thinks
Kevin chicken fatback sirloin ball tip, flank meatloaf t-bone. Meatloaf shankle swine pancetta biltong capicola ham hock meatball. Shoulder bacon andouille ground round pancetta pastrami. Sirloin beef ribs tenderloin rump corned beef filet mignon capicola kielbasa drumstick chuck turducken beef t-bone ribeye. Pork loin ground round t-bone chuck beef ribs swine pastrami cow. Venison tenderloin drumstick, filet mignon salami jowl sausage shank hamburger meatball ribeye kevin tri-tip. Swine kielbasa tenderloin fatback pork shankle andouille, flank frankfurter jerky chicken tri-tip jowl leberkas.<br><br>Pancetta chicken pork belly beef cow kielbasa fatback sirloin biltong andouille bacon. Sirloin beef tenderloin porchetta, jerky tri-tip andouille sausage landjaeger shank bresaola short ribs tongue meatloaf fatback. Kielbasa pancetta shoulder tri-tip pastrami filet mignon ham corned beef prosciutto doner beef ribs. Doner sausage ham hock, shoulder sirloin pancetta boudin filet mignon chuck. Meatball ham hock beef, filet mignon tri-tip andouille venison ground round chuck turducken drumstick.
System Overview
Smart Home
The system
iSmartHome is a wireless system for home control, comfort and security.
It allows you complete control of your home, even when you are away from home.
Set the lights to come on when evening comes, close the shutters at a pre-established time. Turn on air conditioners or radiators based on the temperature or humidity for each different area of your home.
Sensors that allow you to control any leaks of gas, water or fire principles. Alarms and cameras that can be controlled from smartphones, which also benefit the elderly and disabled.
Energy Saving
The household appliances, light points, heating, air conditioning can be programmed based on the presence or absence of people in the house. So goodbye to the lights on with an empty house and useless waste of energy.

Smart Alarm which, with our motion sensors, door/window opening, smoke, CO2, flooding, etc., allows you to have a safe home both when you are at home and away from home. Alarm activation also via GPS.
Video surveillance
Smart Video surveillance system, manageable remotely. Activation and deactivation motion detector directly from smartphone. As well as control of recordings directly remotely.
iSmartHome is completely modular. It is possible to implement the devices over time, thus spreading costs. Very high quality and safety with the Zwave protocol. Guaranteed interoperability of systems and devices from a huge range of products.
Our Projects
Our Projects
The system is completely flexible and programmable so, with the support of our consultants and programmers, you will be able to find solutions to all your specific needs.

B&B Smart
In an accommodation facility such as a Bed & Breakfast or a Hotel, one of the main problems that the manager must face is how to avoid wasting energy....
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Smart alarm
The Smart Alarm system protects you at 360°. Remotely manageable cameras, sensors which, in addition to detecting movement, also detect the presence of gas, water, smoke and....

Smart irrigation
Compared to traditional irrigation, Smart irrigation offers the advantage of high customization....
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Smart Home
Our home can become "intelligent": energy consumption and temperature are practically measured, the security system and home automation are managed. An infinite number of functions, from....
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Smart safe home
With our system you can check that you have turned off the lights, closed all the shutters, activated the alarm....
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Smart Cisterns system
How many times have we run out of water because we didn't know that the one used came from the tank's reserve, thus consuming the precious resource for doing the laundry or watering the garden....
Would you like to know more?
Contact us ... our consultants and our programmers are available to provide all the answers to your questions or requests.